Have you walked into a toy store lately? They are big ,elaborate, and colorful. But look closely – do the toys need batteries or can you play with them freely-without any batteries.
I am a proud kid of the 1980’s, and as I sit back and reflect on life, a smile slowly forms on my face as I think of those hot sticky summer days when my sister and I would plant avocado seeds in the ground and anxiously awaited for it to grow. We would plant the big old seed, after we had consumed the avocado-but nothing ever happened. So we would hop on our bikes, ride around the neighborhood, come back, look at where we planted the seed, and still-nothing. Then we would get sidewalk chalk and play hop scotch, using any rock to mark the spot. Then we would go knock on a neighbor’s door, get a kid to come outside and play double dutch. I was never good at double dutch, but I just had to get in between those two ropes, somehow, someway. After that got old, we would play Simon Says. I LOVE SIMON SAYS!! Even today I still love it. Does anyone know who came up with that game? I don’t know, but if you know, let me know.
Simon says, “ Keep Reading this blog”.
Simon says, “ Forward this blog to all your friends, especially if you work in the toy industry.”
Simon says, “Stands up”
(are you standing?’)
Sit down!!
Uh uh uh, I didn’t say “Simon Says!!!” You lose.
Gosh I love that game.
By the time I had planted a seed, gone bike riding, played hop-scotch, double dutch, and Simon Says, it would be dark outside and time to go inside the home. But I would be so energized yet tired yet fulfilled.
This is how I played as a kid.
Now, kids don’t play like that anymore. All kids are attached to technology. I don’t get it?!?!? Do batteries have a secret magnet in it that no one knows about? Do kids of the 2000s have magnets in their bodies that are attracted to batteries? I know it sounds far fetched, but can you blame me for thinking such a thing?
I went to Wal-Mart the other day, to their toy department. They had great toys, just like other stores with toys, like TARGET, TRU,etc. Lots of aisles of toys, toys, toys. But the toy aisle was dominated by parents who were with their kids who were below the age of 3. There were a few boys in the “manly” area where they keep swords, matchbox cars, and Transformers/Spider-Man type of stuff, but that was it. The bike aisle had a few girls who wanted Barbie-pink bicycles with Barbie pink helmets. Cute.
When is the last time you analyzed the presence of the people in toy aisles? Try it.
But guess where I saw the most kids? In the ELECTRONICS section. Guess what they were doing? Buying Nintendo DS or Nintendo DS games. They were also buying CDS. I must admit, I LOVE “Party in the USA” song By Miley Cyrus….”and the Jay Z song was onnnnnn…” Ok, enough about Miley.
Technology is taking over toys and good wholesome fun.
Nintendo DSi, Zhu Zhu Pets, Game Boy,etc etc. Do parents really want their kids to go blind and get carpel tunnel? Now I must confess, I was a Nintendo BEAST back in the 1980s. I even have a phat Nintendo backpack , and yes, my fingers did hurt. But the TV screen was not up in my face like these little games are. And if I wanted a live animal, my parents would have bought me one, not a Zhu Zhu. So now everyone has a Zhu Zhu that acts the same way—am I missing something? Seriously though, I respect the Zhu Zhu manufacturers for coming out with such a phenomenal thing that sent parents running and sleeping out in front of stores. I LOVED IT!!! But I don’t have a Zhu Zhu pet—I never wanted one.
The thing with toys is that even though technology is here and its not going anywhere, the GOOD toys simply evolve.
Zhu Zhu—everyone for years has had hampsters. Hampsters are not new. They simply made them automatic.
Crayola—Chalk and Crayons—they must have new management because Crayola is REALLY upping their game !!! Everytime I go to a toy store, I stop, and my mouth opens, in awe of the new Crayola items. The 3D chalk is so hot, Crayola town is hot, the glittery paper is hot, everything Crayola is HOT!! I can not keep track of all the items Crayola is making because they keep going and going.. like the energizer bunny. I know for sure, Crayola is not experiencing a dip in sales. Its impossible. When you create toys that are unisex, you’ll never go wrong. Ever. Crayola—keep up the goodwork, you are creating marvelous products!! The relationship between Wal-Mart and Crayola must be mighty strong because Crayola products take up almost a whole aisle.
Easy Bake Oven- this has gone through several transformations but the use is the same. Did anyone watch the episode of CAKE BOSS where the guy used the Easy Bake Oven to bake a cake? If you work for HASBRO, I HIGHLY encourage you to look for this episode because it was quite entertaining. If I worked for HASBRO, I would have been so proud
Those are just my thoughts for the moment!! I’ll be back.