There is so much news occurring about toys and how bad they are. They have lead, they have small magnets, they are just bad,bad , bad.
They are so bad that all of the toys have been recalled and stores are taking them off their shelves and allowing parents to return them all over the country.
These toys are so bad and dangerous that you would think people would be having bon fires to celebrate the destruction of these dangerous creations. However, I have never heard of anyone having a toy bon fire, which is kind of odd. When Milli Vanilla was discovered to be lip synching, there were bon fires everywhere across America, destroying their CDs. Is Milli Vanilli worse than toys that are laded with lead and small magnets – toys that can lead ( pun not intentional) to death??
So my question is: what is happening to these recalled toys?? Millions of these toys are being recalled!!! I take my toys to Toys R us and say ,"these toys are bad". Then I guess Toys R US sends the toys to the manufacturer- Mattel. Once Mattel gets the bad toys back, what do they do with them??? Are they burning the toys and having a private bon fire, releasing all of the burnt lead particles into the air???
Where are all of the recalled toys going??
Based on my experience, it always seems that all bad things get sent to third world countries-Africa,India, etc.
Is it possible that these "bad toys" are being sent to 3rd world countries??? After all, third world kids are poor and needy and should feel privileged to receive dolls and toys, right?? But should they be receiving tainted toys? What if the toys were being sent to 3rd world countries—who is checking? Im not checking, and you are not checking, so who is checking??If I buy a bunch of lead infested toys , box them up and ship them to Africa, will the port authority prohibit me from doing it? I doubt it.
When there is a story in the media, you need to follow it thru. There are bad toys- ok. They've been recalled- ok. But where do they go??
If the toys are being sent to third world countries, it will be a shame. Many of the children in third world countries are poor, dying from malaria, malnutrition, yellow fever, guinea worm, etc. Is it fair to intentionally send deadly toys to third world countries under the disguise of a "donation", " welfare", "gifts", "good will"?
It's not. So I encourage all of you to contact you Senators and ask them what their state/toy manufacturers are doing about the disposal of recalled toys. I contacted my senator last week and Im still waiting for a reply.I also contacted the Senator on the committe that questioned the Mattel President- still waiting. Because I seriously doubt that they are simply throwing them away. I'll be calling Mattel tonight since its a 3 hour difference.Children are children, no matter where they live. And being that only 3-5% of the world s children live in the US, this is a serious matter that needs to be addressed.
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