Friday, February 22, 2008

What I got for Xmas 2007: PEZ and ....

Oh, I forgot to tell everyone what I got for Xmas... shame on me.

My dear loving sister got me something Ive always wanted....a GIANT PEZ DISPENSER!!!
She got me the Elmo one. Its like 12 inches tall and when you lean his head back, he sings the Sesame Street song.
Love it. BUt wouldnt you think that PEZ would make extra large pez candies for the xtra big PEZ dispensers? They dont and I think thats really odd.
So somehow, someway, Im supposed to put this half inch PEZ into the neck of Elmo even though Elmo is like 20 Times the size of a regular PEZ dispenser.

Isnt that odd? Maybe I should write to PEZ and ask them if they plan on doing something about it. Does any one have a mold for an XTRA BIG PeZ candy, because I need one. There's some money to be made for the person who can make the XTRA big PEZ candy that will fit into the XTRA big dispensers. I know Im not the only person in America with this problem. Why should I buy the regular size PEz for my xtra big dispenser? Thats like buying an xtra big car and putting the tires from your smaller car on them. It doesnt make any sense.

Ok, next.
Guess what else I got..just guess....guess.
I got..........a ......... POPPLE!!!
Yes, I nearly cried. The POPPPLES were OFF THE HOOK in the eighties. You could kick them, through them, whatever. Me and my sister would fight over Popples when I was a kid.WE were poor, but we hadPopples. Who needs money, and gifts, when you have a Popple. She even had a Popple sleeping bag. I never had one. Anyways, the Popples are back...HOORAY!! There was even a POPPLE TV Show. The POPPLES need to come back. they just have too. So I got a Popple and I sleep with it every night cuz I love it. HInt hint, they have them at Target. Who manufactures Poppples.. I think its Mattel right? Im pretty sure it is/was.

Anyways, so I got a Popple anda Xtra Large Pez Dispenser and im soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy. that with my Lego ice cubes, what more do i need? NOTHING!!!! My world is complete !!!

Update: I sent a letter to Mr. verrecchia and he hasnt responded yet. Its okay. I still love him and his company anyway. HASBRO has never sent me a mean, disappointing, discouraging letter. Now Mattel on the other hand.... well, thats a whole different blog.

Im still waiting to hear news regarding my census data regarding the US population and how that affects the toy economy. If anyone would like a copy of that, please let me know. Its a VERY Good report. Im an Economist, so the analysis is quite concise.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Gotta love someone who loves toys! You and my son Mike (10) would get along famously. He doesn't want to grow up either. ;-) Mike has probably still got a Megaman head floating around in his digestive track somewhere (swallowed 2 years ago!).

Thanks for the comments on my blog. Yes, feel free to email me -- barbslyz at yahoo dot com
