Monday, August 9, 2010


I can NOT BELIEVE that KELLOGGS is opening a POP TARTS store in New York!! This is the BEST NEWS I HAVE EVER HEARD!! As a DIE HARD FROSTED STRAWBERRY POP TART EATER, since like the age of 10, this is a dream come true. I can not believe it!!!! yes I live hours away from New York, but I must must must go and see this thing, I am in shock!! What in the world is a POP TART shop going to look like?And I can make customized POP TARTS!! Is this a dream?!?!? I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!! THIS IS BY FAR THE BEST THING KELLOGGS HAS DONE!! You know, when Kelloggs changed the PopTart box to blue, i was very very disappointed.yes that was years ago, but the blue box still bothers me.But now, this makes up for everything.All those years I wrote letters to kelloggs, telling them my Pop Tarts news, and now they are opening a store.Am I the only person who ever wrote to Kelloggs about Pop Tarts? i doubt it.Kelloggs should post our letters in the Pop Tarts store-- how cool would that be? There is NOTHING like a POP TART!! NOTHING!! If I could sing a song to share my joy concerning this news, I would but I cant think of one,,,give me time, Ill think of something.Im just so overwhelmed by this, I think I may cry, tears of joy of course. Let me hear from the rest of the dedicated Pop tart lovers.

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