Thursday, January 18, 2007

Problems with the Digital F-P Camera (1.18.2007)

Date: 1.18.2007

Happy New Year everyone. How is everyone. A lot has happened since I last wrote. Is any one interested in hearing about it?
Well.. let me talk about the camera first:

I do enjoy the Digital Fisher-Price Camera. Its nice. But the longer I have it, the less Im thrilled about it.Let me get straight to the point and focus on my qualms

1) How does the flash come on?? It never seems to come on when I need it to come on . Sometimes I have to point the camera at a light when its so dark in the room.With the original camera the camera hads a button you could push when you needed a flash. This camera needs a flash button.

2)It s very hard for me to print the pictures. I cant take the photos to Ritz camera because their computers dont read the F-P USB. Its very odd that their computers cant read the F-P camera. SO in order to print the pictures I have to download them, convert them, save them on disk and then go print them. Thats too much work.

3) The disk that the camera comes with is OKAY, but it places many limitations as well. Thats not F-P's fault though, so Ill move on

4) The quality of the image is not that good, not like the 35 mm camera I have by FP. These digital pictures come out looking smudged. As if they were printed when the negative wasnt fully developed yet, almost like that. They look fake in a strange smurfish kind of way.

5) This camera should have been built with a ZOOM feature which would have been very easy to add. You could have simply added it to the arrow keys that alreay exist: right arrow means zoom in and left arrow means zoom out. Without the zoom feature, its impossible to maximize the quality of the photos.

6) The ON Button: This camera does NOT stay on long enough. As soon as you turn it on, it turns off automatically like within 5 minutes. Advice to Fisher-Price: If someone is rich enough to afford this camera, they are rich enough to buy new batteries when the batteries die. Please get rid of the auto off feature, it cuts off WAYYYYYYYYY to soon. Ive seen other kids using this camera and it confuses them. Because by the time they are ready to take the picture the camera is turned off and they cant figure out why they cant take the picture. Either get rid of this feature OR expand the timer, dont let the camera go off until there's been 10 minutes of inactivity, not 5 minutes.

7) The sound effects: They are okay. It would have been neeat if you had allowed the kid to record their own voice so that whenever they took a picture their voice would be exposed.

IN a nutshell, the quality of he photos needs to improve and there needs to be a way to turn on the flash. Would I buy this camera again? No. Would I buy the 35MM FP camera again? ABSOLUTELY!!! SO I have gone back to using my 35 mm Fisher Price camera because it works very well and always produces top of the line photos. Im surprised about the quality of the Digital FP camera-It could have been better. Perhaps the producers were rushing to get it out for the 2006 Holiday season. I know it won many toy awards, etc. BUt I think the people who did the reviews had not had the camera long enough. If they had had the camera long enough, they would have viewed the negativities concerning the camera. Kudos to the person who invented this toy-its ingenious. It just needs a little tune up. Call me and we can talk.

Ok, thats my blog for today my friends.

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